The purpose of tags is to make information relatively easy to find. The purpose of this essay is, firstly, to explain how I’m using the tags for general eras. The second purpose is to provide a tag list that the visitor can use to explore the site. The number of tags used in the project, and the organization into four different categories, doesn’t lend itself to a traditional tag-cloud. I’ll be setting up one of these tag essays for Place and Time Period tags, and probably multiple topic-specific essays for the Event/Person and Misc. tag-sets.
General Eras
There is little usefulness to providing century-by-century tags for information relating to pre-medieval sources, although sometimes a specific date is available. Any topics falling before the beginning of the Common Era (i.e., the year 1) will be tagged only generally. Later material will be grouped by century unless the coverage is broad and general, or no specific date is given. At the time I’m writing this, the Renaissance and Early Modern tags haven’t been used, because a specific date is almost always available for material falling in those periods.
Keep in mind that entries aren’t always tagged by time period unless a specific dated document or person is discussed. If you don’t seem to be finding anything in a date range, try searching by place or topic instead.